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Fitness API (GoogleFit)

The unofficial API for google fit/noise.

Table of Contents


A simple Express.js application that integrates with the Google Fit API to fetch and aggregate fitness data. This app uses Google OAuth2 for authentication and Appwrite for additional backend functionality.


  • Authenticate users with Google OAuth2
  • Fetch fitness data from Google Fit API
  • Aggregate various fitness metrics such as step count, blood glucose, heart rate, weight, height, sleep hours, and body fat percentage
  • Serve static files and a basic HTML interface


  • GET /auth/google

    Generates and returns the Google OAuth2 authentication URL.

  • GET /auth/google/callback

    Handles the OAuth2 callback, exchanges the authorization code for tokens, and retrieves user profile data.

  • GET /fetch-data

    Fetches and aggregates fitness data from the Google Fit API and returns it as a JSON response.

  • GET /

    Serves a static index.html file.


  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/ to access the application.
  2. Navigate to /auth/google to initiate the Google authentication process.
  3. After successful authentication, the application will redirect to /fetch-data to display the aggregated fitness data.


Check the console logs for debugging information, including raw API responses and user profile data.




Need more project details, have any doubts in mind, or interested in working together? Reach out to me directly at krushnavyas066@gmail.com. I'd be happy to connect and talk!

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